How we get paid

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Business energy

The commission we receive pays for our service, including securing the competitive tariffs, price comparison, sales support, switch management, processing, customer service and account management.

By agreeing to use our service, you are agreeing for Renewing Utilities (UK) to receive commission from suppliers for this service as follows.

  • The commission is included within your unit cost of energy usage by way of a small uplift (i.e. within the cost of the energy contract you agree with your chosen supplier).
  • This uplift is determined by Renewing Utilities (UK)
  • Because our commissions are based on estimated future usage, they are forecast amounts. As an example, we may secure an electricity unit rate of 40 pence per KwH (kilowatt hour) from a supplier, to which we may apply an uplift of 0.8 pence, per KwH so the price presented and contracted would be 40.8 pence per KwH. The calculation for our commission is therefore our uplift multiplied by your total energy consumption (in KwH), over the contract term. For this example, it is around 2.5% of the total retail price.
  • The payment terms and period over which the commission is actually paid varies by supplier therefore these commissions may also be subject to amendments over time by suppliers.

If you would like to find out the commission we expect to receive from your contract, please email

Some suppliers may make additional discretionary marketing and other volume-based payments to us for growth over a given period, however, these payments do not impact the impartiality of the comparison service provided.

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